Thursday, December 2, 2010

Don't ask don't tell? Repeal. I feel like I live in the stone ages

OK, check this out.

Basically, the U.S. military plans to finally repeal the archaic policy of don't ask, don't tell, which basically bans gays and lesbians from serving in the military.

This is where i stand on the issue:

  1. Does it really matter if a person is gay or not. If they want to serve to protect our freedom they should be allowed to do that. And if the law is repealed then without being treated like a second class citizen.
  2. "Oh no will soldiers ask for separate quarters, showers, bathrooms, or different eating arrangements?" This was a comment that was brought up in the story above. This reminded me of the early days of the civil rights movement when people of color were not allowed to eat in certain places, etc. Such an intolerant society in those days and I can't believe that we as a people still have to deal with this nonsense. 
  3. The military should not tolerate intolerance. If there were racist soldiers who voiced issues with eating, and sharing living quarters with a person of color, they would be thrown out faster than you could blink an eye. So, why should gay and lesbian issues be any different? I think it is stupid to treat it any differently. 
  4. THIS IS AMERICA! We are a diverse country with many races, sexual orientations, and beliefs. This diversity is our strength. Lets try and live up to the ideals set place in the constitution. Can we even follow our own constitution? 
This is not a complex issue as some may charge. It is very simple. People need to be treated equally regardless. Just because your different doesn't mean that you deserve to be treated differently. I learned this when I was 8 years old. I was brought up by Christian parents that taught me to treat everyone the same regardless of their looks, beliefs, or sexual preference etc.. 

You might be asking yourself, "Oh, so you're a Christian aren't you supposed to be against the gay lifestyle?"
My response... The bible tells me not to judge anyone. If more so-called Christians were more like Jesus, their churches would be full every Sunday. I have too often seen so-called Christians use their hate + the Bible to be judgmental and spurn gays and lesbians. 

If God loves everyone unconditionally, and "I firmly believe he does" then as Christians we should also. Let's all stop judging people and start supporting each other. It's 2010. Time to get with it. 


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